Workshop FAQ


Frequently Asked Questions


We have several spots left in our September 2-6, 2024 “Introduction to Local Materials Workshop”, held at our studio in Saint Paul, Minnesota. For full list of classes, click here.

When is your next workshop?

How can I sign up for your waitlist?

Send us an email at to inquire about our waitlist for sold-out in-person classes. Also be sure to join our mailing list by scrolling to the bottom of this page to receive notice of when new workshops will be available.

Email us at to inquire about purchasing specific workshop recordings.

We have pre-recorded versions of the following classes: “Introduction to Local Materials”, “Glazes with Local Materials”, “The Hand-Built Vessel”, “Professional Practices”, “The Teabowl”, and “Pouring Vessels”.

Can I buy a recording of a past workshop?

Can I just watch the online workshops or do I have to participate?

Students are welcome to participate however they feel most comfortable; if you would prefer to just watch that is absolutely fine with us.

Workshops often involve opportunities for participants to share their own materials and techniques. This is often the most exciting part of the workshop for us and participants, and it is a meaningful tool for building connections with our global audience. Participation in these sections is optional, and if you would prefer to remain anonymous during introductions, we ask that you let us know ahead of time.

Should I gather materials ahead of time so I can work alongside you during the online workshops?

We recommend people watch, ask questions, and take notes during the live session, but experiment with the techniques in their own studios after the workshop has ended. Most of our online classes condense several weeks of work into a short summary of the entire process.

I am unable to join the online workshop live. Will you record the session?

We recognize that many international participants will be unable to join live during the designated workshop time. Recordings of online workshops will be available to all registered participants at no additional cost.

Processing for each recording can take several hours, but participants are usually emailed a link the same evening as the session. Recordings are saved as private videos on our YouTube channel and the links will never expire. Participants are asked not to share the recordings with anyone without express written permission from Studio Alluvium.

If I miss the session I signed up for, can I get a refund or join the next session?

Per our workshop policies, we cannot issue any refunds within 1 week of the start time of a workshop. In fairness to other participants, we cannot let you join the next session unless you choose to purchase a registration for the next session. As soon as an online workshop has ended, we email all participants a copy of the zoom recording so they can catch up with any information they might have missed. We are also available via email for any questions that may arise after you have watched the recordings.

What experience is required for the workshop?

Most of our workshops are designed for all ceramics skill levels, but they tend to cover very technical material, so we label them “Intermediate”. We recommend having prior experience working with and firing clay, but prior experience using local materials is not necessary. We strongly encourage participants to review any documents we share ahead of time to prepare for the class.

Occasionally we offer advanced courses. For these sessions, any recommended prior experience will be laid out in the workshop description.

Will this workshop be useful for me if I live in a different part of the world and have access to different materials?

Our main goal is to give participants the techniques and confidence they need to investigate whatever materials they encounter near their own studios. We will talk about identifying and locating materials that may be available in many countries throughout the world. We will be using our own materials to demonstrate the process of preparing wild clays and blending them with other resources to create clay bodies, slips, and glazes. However, this same process can be applied to other materials found elsewhere in the world.

Are all workshops taught in English? Is there an option for translated subtitles?

Yes, all workshops are conducted in English. We hope to offer pre-recorded workshops with a variety of translated subtitles in the future, but we are not currently set up for this feature.

Can you tell me if my clays/materials are food safe?

We are unable to provide this information. These questions should be directed to a local soil testing or research laboratory. You can usually find the contact information for these laboratories by contacting the Geology department of a university near you, or by searching online.

I tried the techniques you shared and my results were very different from yours. What do you recommend I do next?

Working with locally sourced materials will naturally result in variation, as you may or may not have access to similar materials where you are collecting. Testing recipes also takes a lot of patience and practice; each of our recipes is the result of many years of research, experimentation and failure.

If you are struggling to get satisfying results from your tests, please reference the troubleshooting page in our Studio Alluvium Guidebook (emailed to participants a week prior to their workshops). We also share a list of resources you can reference for additional assistance at the end of our workshops.

How does the material in your 1-day glaze workshop differ from the material covered in your 2-day intensive class?

The second day of our 2-day intensive class covers the basics of making glazes from local materials, but the 1-day glaze course will go into much more detail. Many students choose to take both classes.